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The air volume of HEPA filter is calculated from the rated air volume of 484X484X220mm to 1000m, the rated air volume of 610X610X150mm HEPA filter to 1500m, and the rated air volume of 320X320X220 HEPA filter to 500m. The air ratings for HEPA filters These air ratings are actually the maximum allowable air, and they… Continue reading How to calculate the air volume of HEPA filter?
Read MoreThere are many types of filters, and different types of filters are used in different situations, so they should be carefully selected in the actual filtration, but filters are also divided into different degrees of filtration, like high-efficiency filters and medium-efficiency filters, which can meet the actual demand. The role of the medium efficiency bag… Continue reading What are the key points of the medium efficiency bag filter? How to play a greater effect
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