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Does the effectiveness of a medium-efficiency filter depend on the color of the filter bag?

2023-06-30 Page view : 76 views

With the rapid development of various industries, environmental issues have become a major challenge in ecological construction for humans. Especially, air quality has been a concern for all mankind. To solve the problem of air purification in some factories, filter products have appeared in people’s lives. Bag filters are one of them. What are the functions of medium-efficiency filters? What do different colors of filter bags represent?(Shanghai SFFILTECH Industrial Customizable medium efficiency air Filter Factory)

Functions of medium-efficiency filters:

The different colors of filter bags in bag filters represent different filtration efficiencies. Compared to other efficiency bag filters, medium efficiency bag filters in dust-free workshops usually have a variety of filter bag colors. This is not for aesthetics, but to showcase the differences in filtration efficiency through color.

Different bag filter manufacturers provide different filtration efficiencies. Taking Shanghai SFFILTECH as an example, the white filter bag filter has a filtration efficiency of F5 (40-60%), the green filter bag filter has a filtration efficiency of F6 (60-80%), the pink filter bag filter has a filtration efficiency of F7 (80-90%). The yellow filter bag filter has a filtration efficiency of F8 (90-95%), and the yellow-white filter bag filter has a filtration efficiency of F9 (95-98%).

The functions of medium efficiency air filters include a large effective area, high capacity, high air volume, low resistance, and long service life. They are suitable for use in humid environments with high airflow and heavy dust load. Using bag filters can provide a more intuitive display of the key points of bag filters, and share how to choose and differentiate bag filters. By distinguishing the different colors of filter bags, it is easy and time-saving to determine during installation and replacement.

The functions of medium-efficiency filters:

Air filters are increasingly recognized by more and more people. They improve air quality and ensure people’s health, and have been widely used in various industries such as pharmaceuticals and food, which cannot do without filters of various efficiencies.(Shanghai SFFILTECH Industrial Customizable medium efficiency air Filter Factory)